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  1. We inform you that the Bank’s “Cooperation Framework-Terms of Conducting Banking Transcactions” have been revised and are effective as of today, while for our existing customers, they will take effect on 28 December, 2024. You have the right to object within a period of 2 months from today; otherwise, it is presumed that you accept […]

  2. The Cooperative Bank of Chania, recognizing its important role in society, consistently operates with a sense of responsibility towards all its stakeholders. Through a well-structured Corporate Social Responsibility program, it has continuously made a positive impact on the community. In this context, it is implementing the “Digital School by Bank of Chania” program. This initiative […]

  3. of the Members of the Cooperative Limited Liability Association named “Cooperative Bank of Chania, Limited Liability Cooperative” The Board of Directors of the Cooperative Bank of Chania, in accordance with Articles 9(1), 13(6), 16(1), and 22(2.1) of the Articles of Association, invites the members of the Cooperative to an Ordinary General Assembly on June 30, […]

  4. The Cooperative Bank of Chania, continuing its support for small and medium-sized enterprises, participates in the new business fund “TEPIX III” managed by the Hellenic Development Bank (HDB SA). The Bank offers the new financing tools of TEPIX III to very small, small, and medium-sized enterprises, supporting their investment plans and providing liquidity with favorable […]

  5. We would like to inform you that malicious individuals have created a fake webpage that mimics the login page of our eBanking service, with the intention to intercept your credentials. Emails have been sent urging you to update your information by clicking on a link that leads to the fake webpage. Their goal is to […]

  6. The Ordinary General Assembly of July 09th, 2023 decided to increase the cooperative capital, in order to reinforce the Bank’s growth potential, to implement its business plan and meet supervisory requirements regarding capital adequacy.

  7. Buildable 200,00 sq.m. land plot located at Gournes Temenous of the Heraklion Municipality. About 150 olive trees are planted on the plot. Main land use in the area: Agricultural, residentia

  8. We inform you that as of Monday 20/03/2023, the BIC code of our Bank is changed to “STXAGRA2”. The IBAN of the accounts is not affected by this change.

  9. We would like to inform you that due to a technical issue that arose in the context of new functionality in the use of cards, the daily limit for: ATM Cash Witdrawals Purchases via POS Online purchases has been set termporarily at a total of 1.000 euros. We are working to resolve the issue as […]

  10. Groups of fraudsters from Greece and abroad target users to extract or steal their login details to the banking systems. These groups communicate directly with users either by e-mail or by texting on their mobile phone or by calling them directly on the phone. Their aim is to pretend to be representatives of the Bank, […]

  11. – Higher connections speeds, more efficient operation, and better quality of services, combined with increased security at the bank’s systems and applications Chania Bank selected the OTE Group in order to strengthen its effectiveness and fortify its operations, in accordance with the needs of the new digital era. The project concerns the telecommunications infrastructure upgrade […]

  12. As part of the branch network restructuring, the Cooperative Bank of Chania announces the Sitia Branch cessation of operations from Friday 25 June 2021, in order to expand its network in Attica. Branch customers will be able to continue to be served continuously by the Ierapetra branch or any other Bank branch they wish. This action aims […]

  13. We would like to inform you that the General Business Terms and Conditions of the Bank that are in effect, have been renewed and will apply from August 11, 2021.  You can sight the terms and conditions by clicking here, as well as visiting your local Cooperative Bank of Chania branch.  You reserve and attain […]

  14. Since January 2021, “strong customer authentication” was launched at pan-European and national level, in accordance with Directive (EU) 2015/2366 “on payment services in the internal market” (PSD 2) and Law 4537/2018 (Government Gazette A’ 84), . This procedure is necessary when a consumer carries out a card payment transaction in an e-commerce environment. The requirements […]

  15. For another year, within the framework of its socially responsible and cooperative philosophy, the Cooperative Bank of Chania supports the local community and our fellow citizens, guaranteeing them the festive table again this Easter. In particular, our Bank proceeded on Monday, 26 April 2021 and M. Tuesday, 27 April 2021 to the distribution approximately 5 […]

  16. Loans offered under the Employment and Social Innovation Programme (“EaSI”), guaranteed by the European Investment Fund (EIF).

  17. (*all files are available only in Greek)

  18. (*all files are available only in Greek)

  19. (*all files are available only in Greek)


  21.   TOTAL ASSETS(*) SHAREHOLDERS SHARE PRICE EQUITY(*) LOANS* DEPOSITS* 2023 688.333 27.713 15,10 57.287 519.021 602.851 2022 674.091 27.214 15,10 53.245 483.048 599.258 2021 668.510 27.121 15,10 44.683 486.723 601.244 2020 707.847 26.809 15,10 44.263 477.324 641.958 2019 634.629 26.434 15,10 42.538 453.173 565.959 2018 461.657 25.863 14,30 39.214 449.221 390.454 2017 449.969 25.302 14,30 […]

  22.   Financial Statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards    31/12/2023 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 31/12/2019 30/09/2019* 31/12/2018 * 31/12/2017* 31/12/2016 * 31/12/2015 * 31/12/2014*   (*files are available only in Greek) See the annual Reviews by the BoD of the Bank by clicking here. In case Adobe® Reader® is not installed on your computer, click here to go […]

  23. The Ordinary General Assembly of June 17th, 2018 decided to increase the cooperative capital, in order to meet supervisory requirements regarding capital adequacy, further consolidating and reinforcing the Bank’s growth potential and successfully implementing its business plan.

  24. Choose among the following files to download each year’s balance sheet. (*all files are available only in greek) ΙΣΟΛΟΓΙΣΜΟΙ 2014 BALANCE SHEET OF DECEMBER 31, 2014 2013 BALANCE SHEET OF DECEMBER 31, 2013 2012 BALANCE SHEET OF DECEMBER 31, 2012 2011 BALANCE SHEET OF DECEMBER 31, 2011 2010 BALANCE SHEET OF DECEMBER 31, 2010 2009 […]

  25. Information on a consolidated basis in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of Law 4374/2016 (*all files are available only in Greek)   QUARTER RESULTS SEMESTER RESULTS 2024 Α’ QUARTER Β’ QUARTER C’ QUARTER D’ QUARTER Α’ SEMESTER Β’ SEMESTER 2023 Α’ QUARTER Β’ QUARTER C’ QUARTER D’ QUARTER Α’ SEMESTER Β’ SEMESTER 2022 […]

  26. Information on the Cooperative Bank of Chania financial data

  27. Founded in 1995 at Chania, the Cooperative Bank of Chania, having local orientation in its favor, established at first in Crete and gradually expanded in the rest of Greece. Today, with respect for the fundamental values and traditions and always remaining loyal to our original slogan “Participation makes the difference”, we take the next step […]

  28. Pillar III Disclosures The following information is publicized in the context of the implementation of Basel III (Pillar III) rules, particularly Regulation (EU) 575/2013 and Law 4261/2014 on prudential requirements for credit institutions regarding their capital sufficiency, the risks they undertake and their management. (*all files are available only in Greek)

  29. Learn more about the companies of the Cooperative Bank of Chania Group

  30. Read the annual reports of the Cooperative Bank of Chania Board of Directors, choosing from the following list the year you are interested in. (*all files are available only in Greek)

  31. It is the highest administrative body of the Bank with principal responsibilities for policymaking, taking all important decisions and controlling its normal course of action. The Bank’s Board of Directors term of services is four years and upon expiration all consultants may be re-elected.

  32. At the Cooperative Bank of Chania we have set as our primary goal our compliance with the regulatory and legislative framework concerning the observance of banking confidentiality and the general protection of the individual from the processing of personal data. Privacy The Cooperative Bank of Chania, based on 28-32 El. Venizelou St., PC 73132, Chania, […]

  33. The reconstruction of social market economy units, complementing grassroot activities, flexibility and transparency in fair trade practice and the achievement of income-production recycling at a local level towards self-sufficiency at prefectural and regional level were the basic drivers of the Cooperative Bank of Chania. At the initiative of a group of individuals and professionals, a […]

  34. Our power is our people. With high level of education and a disposition towards constant development, the staff members of the Cooperative Bank of Chania decisively contribute to the quality of the services we offer.