What Loans for Investment in Photovoltaic Systems are

Specialized loans for the support of businesses that invest in photovoltaic parks buildings. They offer:

  1. Loan for fixed assets and
  2. Short-term funding with subsidy assignment

Loan for fixed assets

  • Granted for building photovoltaic systems, whether they are part of development programs or fully covered by personal capital and band lending

  • Repayment duration up to 15 years

  • Required securities may include:

    • divestiture of demands from the power sales contract with DEI/DESMIE
    • divestiture of the Development Law subsidy
    • personal warrants and/or collateral

Short-term funding with subsidy assignment

  • Covers up to 90% of the subsidy amount

  • Disbursement takes place right after the park is connected to the power grid and the contract with DEI or DESMIE is activated

  • Disbursement requires the subsidy assignment after the investment is placed under the Development Law provisions and the divestiture of the demands arising from the power sale contract

Required Documents

In order to make a loan request at the Cooperative Bank of Chania, you will need the following documents:

  • ID or Passport

  • Recent income tax statement

  • A bill from a Public Utility Organization or any other document certifying your address

  • A current phone bill confirming your phone number.


Where applicable, you may be asked to provide further and/or different documents. Please visit or contact any Βranch of the Cooperative Bank of Chania.